Be Prepared for Anything in PA with a Generator

Central Pennsylvania is a wonderful place to live, and one of the big reasons that’s the case is because we get to experience all four seasons! Who wouldn’t want to live here? But sometimes we also experience unpredictable weather. Are your home and family prepared for anything Mother Nature might bring? Losing power isn’t only a pain—with food spoilage and a lack of hot water—it can also be dangerous to be overwhelmed by a lack of power on frosty nights or sweltering hot days. We get everything from thunderstorms to snowstorms around here, which is why you should invest in an emergency backup generator from Taylor Oil & Propane.


Benefits of Automatic Standby Generators in PA


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Set it and forget it: You’ll get these benefits without having to think about setting up your generator whenever you need it. Just make sure you have enough fuel and get it serviced annually.

  • Automatic backup power during outages
  • Connection to your existing propane gas supply
  • Maintained at zero cost to you until generator turns on
  • Financing for your generator purchase
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Have peace of mind all year long: Forget worrying about erratic weather and winter and summer storms. With a standby generator from Taylor Oil & Propane, you can worry less about power outages and get back to what’s important. You’ll have automatic standby power delivered directly to your home, and you can choose which appliances, lights, and outlets you want to power with your generator.

  • Heating or cooling equipment power means no more stressing about storms of any kind
  • Power to lights, communication methods, and more, so your home can function normally
  • Plumbing and refrigerator power: never worry about toilets not flushing or groceries spoiling
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Most importantly, protect your family and your home: Your family is the most important thing to you, and you rely on your home to keep you safe and comfortable.

  • Stay protected from power surges and fluctuations
  • Reduce the risk of discomfort, especially for the young and elderly
  • You and your family can stay secure all year long

Ready for Your Generator Installation?

If you’re ready to protect your family and home from anything nature might bring year-round, Taylor Oil & Propane is here to help! Remember that in addition to providing free estimates on generator installations, we also offer flexible financing options to help you fit the cost of your generator into your budget. Reach out to us today to book your free generator installation estimate, and don’t forget to ask about financing!